Comparative Market Analysis
If you are interested in selling your property, your real estate agent should always do what's called a Comparative Market Analysis Report or CMA for short. Your agent will visit the property to take a look at the land and improvements, then they will go back and start researching recently sold homes and land parcels that match similar criteria to yours. The comparable properties chosen will then be adjusted out to bring them as equal to the subject property as possible. With this information, you will then be able to decide on the best listing price that not only makes you comfortable that you are getting the best price for your home, but also sets the property up for success to have the most interest from buyers.
One important thing to remember is a CMA report is not an appraisal, and a lender will order an appraisal at some point during the loan process to protect their interest in the amount they are lending.
Are you thinking about listing your home or land, and need a CMA Report done?